When in Rome... Harvin at canapa mundi 2020
“When in Rome, do as the Romans do”, as the saying goes. For us at Harvin, a better and more on-the-spot version of the old saying would be “When in Rome, don’t miss Canapa Mundi”. Canapa Mundi is the oldest Italian cannabis fair, one of the largest cannabis trade shows in Italy, and definitely a great marketplace for legal cannabis and all the cannabis, hemp, and CBD-based products that are contributing to the growing green economy.
The growth of canapa mundi
Canapa Mundi has been growing over the years, as well as the Italian legal cannabis market, to the point that this year the Roman cannabis fair moved from its previous location to the new Fiera di Roma trade show compound, a huge location that fitted well the growth of Canapa Mundi.
Program highlights
As usual for the world of cannabis fairs, Canapa Mundi had a full program of initiatives that surrounded the business of the cannabis trade show, starting with a very interesting schedule of workshops, conferences, and talks. There was a wide area dedicated to cannabis and hemp-based food and drinks, a full lineup of DJs playing nice music streamed live through the newly launched Pot Radio, and an area dedicated to children. Of course, there was also a full display of all the cannabis, hemp, and CBD products that are at the core of every cannabis fair: legal CBD weed and hash, CBD-based e-liquids for vaping, grow tech equipment, hemp fashion, CBD cosmetics, and the already mentioned hemp, cannabis, and CBD-based yummy food and drinks. Hemp beer, in particular, is gaining popularity and was being spilled everywhere around the trade show.
Harvin’s participation
The Harvin team didn’t have a dedicated exhibition booth at Canapa Mundi, as we participated in the Roman cannabis fair by sharing the booth with our long-time partners CBD Flowers, while we had our cannabis vending machines distributed across other partners’ expo booths such as CBWeed and several other successful Italian cannabis light businesses.
Showcasing our vending machines
We brought with us just a couple of cannabis vending machines of the Harvin line, the very popular and top sellers Magic Wind and Magic Baby Touch. As usual, we met many new clients interested in expanding their business horizon by adding one or more automatic cannabis distributors to their green business shop, as well as we had curious visitors asking a lot of questions about our cannabis vending machines, to which we were very happy to give fully detailed answers.

Busy booth activities
As a result, our shared booth was pretty busy most of the time, as we did plenty of demos with our cannabis vending machines, including showing how easy it is to load products in the automatic weed distributors, how to easily configure the touch screen display, and how to enter a full description for each product, as well as many demos about the security functionalities of our cannabis vending machines, starting with the powerful card reader all our cannabis vending machines are equipped with. Follow the previous links to learn from our blog a little bit more about the technical functionalities we are talking about.
Looking ahead
Here is a picture of the Harvin team at Canapa Mundi 2020, at our joint expo booth shared with CBD Flowers. If you want to see more of the Harvin team in action, just check our Instagram page, where we’ve posted several pictures as well as a few video interviews during the weekend we spent in Rome at Canapa Mundi.
If you have any questions about our cannabis vending machines, you don’t need to wait until the next cannabis trade show to get a Harvin demo. Just contact our team, and we’ll be happy not only to give you all the info you need, but we will also be happy to meet you at your shop or business place, so we can evaluate together your needs both in terms of revenue goals as well as of the physical space needed to install a cannabis vending machine.
Keep following our posts on the Harvin blog, and don’t forget to check out the official Harvin social media pages on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube to stay updated on the latest news from Harvin. By the way, let us close this blog post with something that closes with a nod to how we started. When in Rome… we actually also did as the Romans do, and we treated ourselves to an amazing pasta amatriciana dinner, a classic of traditional Roman cuisine and a very well-deserved dinner for the Harvin team after a long working day at Canapa Mundi!