Harvin Cannabis Vending Machines at Salone Internazionale della Canapa in Milan

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As we have mentioned in a previous article of our blog , the Harvin team is getting pretty busy with an intense participation schedule to the major cannabis trade shows and fairs across Europe, and of course across Italy.

As the market for marihuana light and legal cannabis keeps growing, there is a high demand for cannabis vending machines, as they are reliable and allow to expand business horizons for the whole 24 hours a day. Cannabis trade shows are a great opportunity for Harvin to showcase our full range of cannabis vending machines , to meet potential new clients and partners in the legal cannabis industry, and to allow potential interested parties to physically see and touch our Harvin machines, and to try and experience first hand all their functionalities, from the touch screen display, that now Harvin has developed in seven European languages, to the ID card reader, now available to read official ID cards also for seven European countries.

Since Milan is just round the corner from our Harvin’s headquarters (actually in Brescia), we couldn’t miss out on the third edition of Milan’s Salone Internazionale della Canapa , that took place last weekend (27-29 September 2019) in the amazing MegaWatt Court, a newly restored showroom location that normally hosts fashion and design show. MegaWatt court is also located in the beautiful and historic neighborhood of Navigli, one of Milan’s best and most suggestive nightlife spots, packed with many bars, restaurants and clubs along the Navigli
waterways and bridges.

Milan’s Salone Internazionale della Canapa (International Hemp Salon) isn’t a very large cannabis fair, and probably is one of the smallest trade shows that will see Harvin’s
participation this autumn. Even if there was a small number of exhibitors, some of the best brands in the Italian cannabis industry were exhibiting their cannabis and CBD products,
including some of our partners and friends such as CB Weed , CBD Flowers and Legal Weed /Mr. Nice.

Many other exhibitors covered the other usual areas of today’s cannabis trade shows, offering many cannabis and CBD related products ranging from grow shop technologies to smokers merchandising, from CBD cosmetics to wearable hemp fashion food corners that prepared delicious food made of hemp flour and derivatives, including yummy pizza, ice-cream, beer, soda drinks and prosecco.

On our side, we loved to offer to our booth visitors a cold cannabis ice tea straight out of our refrigerated top of the range cannabis automatic distributor, Master Revolution , that also allows to sell cannabis and CBD-infused food and drinks, thanks to its refrigeration capabilities, and the very large see-through product display.

The number of visitors to the Milan cannabis fair was pretty good, even if the Salone started slow on Friday, due to a major strike of all public transportation that certainly impacted the attendance to the event. As for the rest of the weekend, we have been really busy showing our cannabis business solutions, and offering demos of all our products.

We had a big expo booth in a strategic position at the entrance of the Salone, and enough space to showcase our entire line of cannabis vending machines, from the small but powerful Magic Baby to the fully digital Magic Baby Touch , its sleek version Magic Wind Touch , and of course our flagship Master Revolution .

Both Harvin’s commercial and technical teams have been constantly available for the three days of Salone della Canapa, answering all sorts of questions about our popular cannabis vending solutions. Thank you to all the visitors who stopped by our booth!

Here is a picture we took while Pietro from our Sales team was showing to our booth visitors how easy it is to access and modify the settings of our cannabis vending machines.

And here is a video of Antonio , Harvin / Lars Sistemi’s CEO, giving a brief introduction to the features and capabilities of of cannabis vending machines, more specifically talking about the differences between the touch screen display and the push buttons you will find in the Harvin cannabis vending machines.

Enjoyed our video from the Salone Internazionale della Canapa? We have got another one for you, this time from Cristina of CBD Flowers , one of Harvin’s good clients and partners, who shared with us a corner of our booth at Salone in Milan. Cristina has been promoting CBD Flowers’s proprietary legal cannabis genetics, but also as a testimonial of how the partnership with Harvin and the adoption of our cannabis vending machines are helping our friends at CBD Flowers grow their business. Enjoy the brief video.

As a final note from the Salone Internazionale della Canapa, we are happy that we have also caught up with the last Italian exhibition of the 50 Shades of Green art installation produced by our friend and guest blog writer Massimo Burgio. The installation, placed in a separate hangar close to the external garden, was in a key position and had plenty of visitors interacting with it and enjoying its olfactory paths, and has also been theatre to a modeL photoshooting on Saturday. And Antonio and his wife Tatiana loved to hang out there too!

Our next appointments with the European cannabis fairs are coming up soon. Meet Harvin and see our cannabis vending machines in action next week at Cultiva in Wien, Austria, and in Prague, Czech Republic at the beginning of November, as we will be exhibiting our cannabis vending machines also at CannaFest , the largest cannabis trade show in Europe.

If you missed us in Milan and you don’t plan to participate or visit cannabis fairs and trade shows over the next few months, you can still contact us at Harvin . It will be our pleasure to come visit you, to understand your business needs and to offer you the best solution that can allow you to expand your business horizons!

Follow our blog and our Facebook page to get more information about our next participations to cannabis fairs, and follow Harvin on Instagram to check out also the vertical videos we are publishing exclusively on IGTV.