Smart Lockers: Harvin at the forefront of innovation!

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Smart Lockers

Smart lockers are becoming an increasingly widespread reality, it is indeed possible to find them in supermarkets, petrol stations, shops, and lately they are also used by companies to simplify the exchange of goods. This is undoubtedly a very convenient solution, especially for those who work all day and are not at home during the delivery times announced by the courier. Nowadays, collecting parcels at certain times is a growing problem, and smart lockers can make life easier for online shoppers.

But why is this phenomenon growing more and more, especially at this time?

First of all, there is no doubt that the situation resulting from Covid has given a considerable boost to the development of this reality, as many people prefer to use this tool to collect their goods in order to minimise human contact and therefore the risk of contagion.

But the most obvious reason is the immense growth of E-commerce and online shops, which are apparently increasingly replacing physical shops, making smart lockers an indispensable tool for delivering goods to customers.

In addition, many people nowadays need an alternative to home deliveries to receive their parcels and correspondences, so that they do not have to go to the post office or to pick-up points at fixed times. Smart Lockers are the ideal solution! Above all because they allow you to collect your products at any time.

Harvin, whose modernity and innovation are unwavering, was able to anticipate this need and understand this market need many years ago. In fact, the company started producing Smart Lockers in 2008, with the creation of technological dispensers for pellet distribution, even before e-commerce companies as big as Amazon started using this distribution tool!

But how do smart lockers work?Harvin Smart Lockers

Smart lockers look like large cabinets made up of various sizes’ drawers, you have probably seen them a lot in recent years inside high traffic locations such as supermarkets and petrol stations. Smart Lockers are generally placed in spaces open to the public and are operated by logistics operators or directly by e-commerce companies, such as Amazon.

You can receive the package at the desired location and, once the delivery has taken place, a message will inform you that you can pick up your item at any time.

The most advanced solutions consist of secure, modular electronic cabinets (i.e. which can be expanded according to deliveries received) with a touch screen interface and software for recording, tracking and monitoring of the products.

To receive a parcel, you will be sent a message or email informing you of the presence of the ordered item in the locker. You will then be given a single-use code for pick-up. Then, as soon as the recipient is able to do so, he or she can go to the appropriate locker to easily pick up the product at a time of their choice, discreetly and in full respect of their privacy.

As we said, this phenomenon is now widespread in shopping centres, petrol stations, but also in schools, universities, apartment blocks, companies, etc… So why don’t we offer these smart lockers as a tool to hemp and CBD e-commerce? This is a solution that will undoubtedly increase sales, as there are many customers who are not comfortable dealing with the store clerk in person when buying hemp due to privacy and confidentiality issues. Many will therefore appreciate the possibility of withdrawing their parcel in peace and quiet, at a convenient pick-up point at any time!

Harvin has come up with a solution for its hemp customers… keep reading our blog to find out more about our project and services, and follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Youtube! If you have any questions, please contact our team for a free consultation.