Mary Jane Berlin, one of the coolest cannabis fairs in Europe

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mary jane berlin

In this article we’ll be introducing one of the most important cannabis light fairs in the world, and definitely one of the biggest cannabis trade shows in Europe. The Mary Jane Berlin fair has been one of the best known and frequented cannabis trade show for many years, and it certainly represents a point of reference for all the companies that operate in the European cannabis industry.

Let’s start by describing the location where the Berlin cannabis exhibition is held, which is by the Spree River, Berlin’s main waterway that flows into the Havel, which also passes through the city; the magnificent location alone makes Mary Jane Berlin one cannabis fair not to miss. During the cannabis fair there will be a full program of events and activities, including workshops and conferences about different aspects of cannabis culture, with many important guest speakers, and interesting conference sessions about the active principles of CBD and the health benefits that cannabis light can deliver on the medical side of the plant.

A boat docked by the river at the Mary Jane location will be accessible all day for drinks and will feature trendy music until dawn, with a schedule of music, performances and art that keeps going long after the closing time of the trade show. If you are curious about the program of the music festival, that will be held from 21 to 23 June 2019 at the Arena Berlin in conjunction with the Mary Jane 2019 trade show, you can check out [this link], and discover the 18 musical acts and musicians featured in the program. Hey, after all this is Berlin, home to techno and nightclubbing, so the musical add-on to the Berlin cannabis fair doesn’t come as too much of a surprise.

On the exhibitors side of the Berlin cannabis fair, this year there will be 200 exhibitors with products and product categories that go far beyond the cannabis light, such as cannabis vending machines, lights for cannabis grow systems, all kinds of accessories for growing, packaging and distributing cannabis light, as well as the fully grown industries of cannabis and CBD food and cosmetics, hemp textiles, bioconstructions, fashion, and so on. We are sure that we will be surprised by some new typology of product that might be presented in Berlin, or some cannabis-related new technology. The industry is growing fast, so you can never know. Germany is also home to a great engineering and technological tradition, so Mary Jane Berlin could actually bring many surprises to the European cannabis industry.

Harvin Cannabis Vending Machine will participate as exhibitor to the Mary Jane Berlin trade show for the first time this year, presenting our highly diffused range of professional weed vending machines with high-end touch-screen technology.  Since summer is also round the corner and temperatures are rising, we will be presenting also our latest line of refrigerated vending machines for cannabis and cannabis food products and drinks.  Some more examples of cannabis vending machines from the Harvin line of products will be also featured at the Berlin cannabis trade show, including some cannabis vending machines that Harvin has completely designed, wrapped and fully branded with some of our clients’ brands. Some of such clients will be participating to Mary Jane Berlin too, showcasing their cannabis products, also using Harvin cannabis vending machines.

Harvin has been a well-established business operating in the Italian vending machines market for many years, which gives us a profound experience and control of all technical aspects of the vending machines and their installation and maintenance, with the important added value of a constant customer focus and support. Our long standing experience with vending machines, that took us also serving customers all across Europe, brought Harvin over the last 18 months to enter the new-born and growing Italian cannabis light industry, by designing, developing and successfully distributing several models of Harvin vending machines in Italy and across Europe, specially designed for the cannabis products that range from cannabis light to all kind of cannabis and CBD-related products, including cannabis food and drinks.

We are very excited about our first participation at the Berlin cannabis fair, and we look forward to presenting our hemp vending machines to the German market. Over the last couple of weeks we have received a few calls and emails from people and companies who are interested in checking out our products at Mary Jane Berlin 2019, so we are going to Berlin expecting many visitors and with a good number of scheduled meetings with potential buyers.

If you are interested in setting an appointment with us at Mary Jane Berlin 2019, just contact us via email, or through our website’s contact info. Or just stroll by our Harvin exhibition space at Mary Jane, we will be at the stand number 169 + 170.

Come and visit us and let us know how we can help you expand your sales horizons thank to the powerful Harvin cannabis vending machines.