Our top selling cannabis vending machines gives a full product description

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In a commercial activity related to the distribution of legal cannabis the products carefully and meticulously selected from all the hemp stores sold in store or through a top selling cannabis vending machine, have a common need in Europe: indicate the level of thc which must be less than 0.5% for countries such as Italy or less than 0.2% for countries such as Germany or Belgium. All top selling cannabis products marketed and sold in the hemp stores are accompanied by certificates and laboratory analyses that attest to the level of purity and quality and also the levels in percentages of the values of CBD and THC inside each sold package.

We note that many manufacturers attach laboratory certificates for top selling Cannabis products related to analyses on the contamination values of pesticides and heavy metals that pose a risk to human health. Many producers of top Cannabis products even attach certificates from two different laboratories , to avoid possible error margins due to an incorrect or insufficiently precise THC measurement.

If our customers plan for the sale of top selling cannabis products a very accurate and high quality procedure for the selection of products to be sold in hemp shops also Harvin vending machine had to adapt to this demand from customers and has to prepare its own top cannabis vending machines using a smart technology with touch screen monitors, of an innovative function and very useful in order to maintain high the standard of quality demanded in the field of the legal Cannabis.

With our vending machines we have introduced a function that allows the hemp shop to enter all information , the decription and the certificate of all top cannabis selling products within Cannabis vending machines. The customer is informed during the phase of purchase on cbd and thc level and the exact contained in the product that it has chosen and moreover can be brought back all the norms of law that regulate the field in the nation in which it is found, given the diversity of rules governing the Cannabis sector. In the description many of our customers report the traceability of the production lot, giving indications on the seed, the cultivation and the final packaging.

This allows to maximize the sales phase and the quality of top selling cannabis products. The products descriptions takes place independently and in the main menu a virtual keyboard will allow you to insert all the necessary descriptions by combining them with your top cannabis vending machine products.

On our line Magic Hour 60 the biggest and most performing smart vending machine in our wide range production and  on our line Magic Wind 40  the usefull and medium size but with all the function of the “biggest sister” , the software versions are already available to make your top selling cannabis products the most in demand and the best selling of your area 24 hour a day.

A special mention to our Magic baby touch 18 that with its small size adapts very well to different types of installation, indoor or outdoor. Harvin exalt your work and the quality of your products by highlighting your hemp shop we make you enhance your showcase with a unique and captivating design and together with you we want to expand your sales horizons, with Harvin you can.

Choosing a Harvin Cannabis vending machine means making a difference: our cannabis vending machines are highly selling. Product exhibition, technological innovation and Italian design are our master key!